Friday, December 24, 2010

December is the season of joy and giving...

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Happy (mostly belated) Holidays!

By reading this, you have now signed a non-existing contract (ah, the magic of Christmas can do strange things) forcing you to smile at the next person you meet/see/pass and compliment/greet them. If you do not comply, I will be very sad and may flood the world with my tears (which will be very salty and may also drown a few polar bears).

Best Wishes to you, wherever you are!


  1. Non existent contracts? I have my imaginary lawyer deal with the enormous amount of paper work that is associated with these things.
    Anyways, have a wonderful Christmas to you too! May you not freeze into an icecube by the next full moon!

  2. @ runninglikethewind

    Non-existant contracts cannot be read at all! Muahahahaha~
    Although this is a good topic: If the contracts are non-existant, and the lawyer is imaginary, can they SEE each other? Can ghosts see ghosts?

    Merry Christmas! And I definitly will. Remember to thaw me out for exams!

  3. Merry Christmas! I signed the contract:)

  4. @ Olga

    Sorry for the late reply!
    I'm happy =D
    I hope you enjoyed fulfilling the contract as much as I enjoyed making the contract!

    Merry -very belated- Christmas!


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