Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Today... snowed...

and snowed...

and snowed...

and snowed.

And then it rained...
Woe is me

Seriously though, I HATE snow...expecially the first snowfall
Let me explain why:

Serené's list of hate-able snow reasons:
* It is COLD
* It is HEAVY
(when one has to shovel it)
* It is WET
* It takes up a LOT of space
(when one runs out of lawn to shovel the snow to)
* It is TIRING
(particularly when one has to swim through it on the way to school)
* It is COLD
* It is BRIGHT (My eyes!)
* It covers EVERYTHING
* It is slippery
* It is not water-efficient
(environment people should stop telling us about saving water by closing our taps and instead focus on saving water by NOT SNOWING...)
* It is COLD

And did I mention that it is cold?
Seriously, woe is me...

Today's Surroundings: Sunlight
Today's Object: Water Bottle
Today's Feelings: Brown


  1. LOL
    another thing

  2. Reeeeally? I've never seen snow, I live in Sydney LOL. It's so extremeeely hot and dry and ugh~ here. I guess on the flip side (i.e somewhere else) it's totally opposite... well, that's how my mind works.

  3. @Cataclysmic Fascination
    Lol, thats why I DON'T wear boots! It takes them soooooo long to dry if they get wet (and they usually do...)

    Thanks for reading my random posts! And Lucky!! I want to go to Sydney! I think your version of "somewhere else" will apply to the north and south poles? <--Penguin attack!
    I'm living in Canada, so it does get pretty cold for 6 months of the year [dies] but there are usually 3 days or so when it actually gets warmer...

    ...Urg...why does blogger not allow replying comments?

  4. That's a great thing to see. I've only seen once.

    Following the blog :D

  5. @sweet funshine - If you don't wear boots, how do u withstand the gigantic amount of ice, water and smush last week?

    @ariya - trust me, if you've seen how snow fall here, and the inconvinence it poses, you'll probably feel like punching the snow violently like i do when i fall face first into the brown snow ....

    It's very sad how no matter how cold, windy and close to a blizzard the winter weather may seem, THEY NEVER HAVE SNOW DAYS AND CANCEL CLASS :(

  6. @Cataclysmic Fascination
    I withstand by floating over the ice and snow...
    Actually, I don't know how I was able to live through it, but I did, so thats that XD
    Also...something tells me I shouldn't ask, but why was the snow brown?

    Thanks very much!
    Snow is a wonderful thing unless you have somewhere to go to, in which case it just gets in the way >.<


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