Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ok is to the Eyes of the Questioner

Language Complications ~ Part 4

This was actually something I first encountered when I was learning the English language, but I was reminded of this today when I slipped on ice...

I'm sure everyone has heard of this one by now, and its one of those dreaded questions that can only be responded in one way. Allow me to give you an example:

Serené's Drama Project
Me: How's life?
You: Not bad. What about you?
Me: Not much...*punches you in the face*
You: *the pain...!*
Me: OMG! Are you okay?
You: Uhh...*pain!* of course! I'm fineeee!
Me: *punches you again*
You: Arggggh *PAIN!!*
Me: Gosh! Are you alright?
You: Yeah...I'
Me: Good *punches*
You: *dies*
Me: Goodness gracious! Are you ok?
You: uhh...yeah...
Me: *steps on you and walk away*

Yeah...something like that. Seen it happen before? Well now you have!

This one was a huge dilemma for me back in grade 1. Being the type of person who is prone to accidents one cannot describe, I heard it very very often. However, I never really understood what it was for.

I mean, how CAN you POSSIBLY be fine? I especially hate those really persistent peoples...something like this:

Me: *trips*
Human: Are you ok?
Me: *bleeds*
Human: Are you OK?
Me: *bleeds some more*
Human: ok?
Human: Are You Okay?
Me: *dies from lack of blood* happens...
This is the perfect example of things in our world that ruins the innocence that little kiddies have...I still remember the first time I lied...:

Me: *falls off the monkey bars*
Human(s): Are you ok?
Me: *cries*
Human(s): okies?
Me: *bleeds* No I'm not ok! Just leave me alone alright? *sniffles*
Human(s): You ok? Need anything?
Me: ...
Human(s): Are you alright?
Me: ...
Human(s): Are you okay? That was quite a fall there!
Me: Yes, Fine! I'm FINE! OK?!?!?!? PERFECTLY FINE!! See? I can FLY!!!! *hops away*
Human(s): Now I can go to heaven happy
Me: ......

You see? It is THIS PHRASE, and this phrase alone that pushes everyone into making their first lie....
What happens to the Boy who Cried Wolf? He got eaten by the wolf. What about us? Will we get eaten by "Fine-ness" if we continue to lie about it?

Don't ask questions if there can only be one response.
Don't ask questions if you can only accept one response.
DO ask questions if you feel like annoying someone.

And always remember. We're here to save oxygen, one silent post at a time!

Today's Surroundings: Underwater World
Today's Object: Baby Rattle
Today's Feelings: Ice Blue


  1. I like your blog, it's a mix of humour and educating. Keep going with it!

  2. Ah, for the love of the rhetorical question. Would you have preferred the Human(s) just pass right on and leave you to suffer after your fall from the monkeybars?


  3. @ lady_sparx
    Thank's very much for the comment! I'll continue to do my best!

    @ Argentum Vulgaris
    Thats a good question, I never thought of it that way...
    However, (and this is a personal opinion) I think its easier to be alone if one is in a bit of pain. Better than repeated questions, anyways. What do you think?

  4. I like your site a lot.From my experience I learned, when people who repeat the same question over and over, really don't listen. They just go trough the motion like robots. But you can laugh about it and that is a good and healthy sign.Don`t give up. laughter is the beast nedicine.

  5. @ Edith
    Thanks very much for the comment! I will continue to do my best! =D


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