Sunday, January 31, 2010

Photo Perspectives ~ January 2010

Contemporary Complications ~ Part 1

Serené's first Museum of Contemporary Photo-Art!
With all types of art, the message being sent across is never received in quite the same way. Thus, I thought it would be fun to try something new for a change.
Lets see everyone's different perspectives!

Anyways, the plan here is to post a picture-galore post every month about things that have happened that month. I hope everyone can enjoy my skill-full (not) pictures, hopefully I'll also get better?
While I'm doing that backstage (behind the computer, anyways), I shall attempt at running a small contest. The pictures will be as deep and mysterious as I can make them (which, by the way, isn't really deep and mysterious at all) and everyone who would like to participate will be able to name the object shown in the pictures. The one with the best answers will win a SHINY prize!

[Jump for this Round's Pictures!]

Ta Da!
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 9

Yays! 9 pictures that can pretty much sum up my life for the past month (plus a bit of December).
If you would like to participate in this round of Photo Perspectives, please comment below. Simply number off the pictures and write what you think the picture represents. Feel free to make things up as you go along, and the answers can be in the form of a statement, question, or title. In fact...they can be just one word if you feel like it!
There are no right or wrong answers! Please have fun with it!

Looking forward to seeing some entries!

Today's Surroundings: Light
Today's Object: A Box
Today's Feelings: Black


  1. Impressive photos! Don't think I'll be able to guess them all, but I spotted some death by chocolate, a christmas tree, denim(?), white, a ceiling light fixture(?) Anyway, nice work Funshine!


  2. 1.) side of mardi gras float
    2.)saturday night view
    3.)birthday party at the buckinfar
    4.)grannys respective of christmas
    5,)daquari shop drive up window
    6.) third shelf in my fridge
    7,)friday night view
    8.) unedible snow
    9.) monday morning view, after friday
    and saturday


A penny for your thoughts?