Sunday, December 13, 2009

Me > You! (Unless you're me. In that case, You > Me!)

Language Complications ~ Part 2

To tie in with my first Rant post, here is another phrase that usually appears about an average of 3-5 minutes after the first one:

You are you.


Of COURSE I'm Me! What do you expect me to be? You? NO THANKS! (although that would be fun)
Allow me to remind everyone about the simple anatomy of life and grammar:

Serené's Scientifically Correct Grammar Class:
Me == Me
Me =/= You  (Me > You)  (Just Kidding!)
Me =/= Tree
Me =/= House
Me =/= Pluto
Me =/= Coffee
Me =/= THAT
Me =/= Alien (or DO I...)

Me == Me

Thank you.
Please remember next time that oxygen is too precious to be used for useless talking of useless words...

Today's Surroundings: Maze
Today's Object: Math Book
Today's Feelings:                 (transparent)


    Speaking of English,
    don't you think that it's a combination of the logic and analysis from science and the abstract and beauty from art? :D
    btw, nice, you have been getting A LOT of followers xD i'm jealous xD

  2. The "Me =/= You (Me > You)" can actually be taken differently by different points of view, like the Me is ME (you know, Ana P.) and the you is YOU (Sweet Funshine) so in other words:

    Ana P. =/= Sweet Funshine (Ana P. > Sweet Funshine) :P juuuuuSt KiDdinG!!

  3. @ Cataclysmic Fascination
    The world is really a curious place ^-^ Thats why its so wonderful.
    And thats why Me > You! Just kiddings =P

    @ Ana P.
    XP I didn't even notice that! Thanks for pointing that out and making my day!
    Thats why perspectives are such a wonderful thing!

    ...gosh...I'm starting to sound like an old monk with all the "world is mysterious" talk...

    @ No One In Particular
    I wonder if people who comment know when their comments are replied?


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